90 Day Lifestyle Challenge
September 9, 2021
Weight Machines or Free Weight Workouts
January 26, 2022Creating Fitness & Lifestyle Goals For 2022
The first important step to making a change is deciding what you want then acting on it. You can’t say that you want to be a better version of yourself and not action. You need to break down what your life will look like in the future if you keep doing what you are doing now and compare it with how it would look if you were living a healthy lifestyle. This article will walk you through how to create fitness & lifestyle goals for 2022 so that they don’t become just another New Year’s Resolution.
Set realistic goals
One of the most important things you can do when creating goals is to set realistic and achievable ones. If you have a goal to lose 50 pounds in six months, but you have never worked out before and currently eat fast food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, this goal is not realistic. It would be better to start with a smaller weight loss goal or gradually incorporate healthier foods into your diet and nutrition.
Similarly, if your goal is to run a marathon in six months, but you only ran once last year, this may also be an unrealistic goal. Start by gradually adding running intervals into your workouts until you can comfortably run three miles without stopping. When it comes time to train for the marathon, increase the distance of your runs. Don’t set goals so high that you set yourself up for failure. Try to set a goal as soon as possible because this will keep your mind focused on it, and try not to waiver, but if you miss the mark, don’t let it discourage or dishearten you from continuing forward with that goal or another one in the future.
Make your goals very specific
It is important to be as specific and detailed as possible when creating fitness and lifestyle goals. Creating a goal such as “I want to lose weight” or “I will eat healthier” isn’t descriptive enough for you to understand what exactly your body should look like in the future.
If you aren’t sure how much weight loss would be healthy, then go into detail about what that looks like, e.g “I want to weigh 125 pounds by end of 2022” instead of just saying that you want to lose 50 pounds because, without an explanation, this doesn’t give me direction on where my fitness journey should begin. It also needs specifics on how you plan on achieving these results. Otherwise, they won’t seem concrete and achievable, making them easier not to follow through with.
Make your goals measurable
Your fitness goals have to be measurable. This means having specific numbers or time limits attached to them so that there’s no confusion about what exactly needs to be done within the allotted timeframe. “I want to be healthy” is not a measurable goal. “I will work out for 25 minutes, four times a week” is a measurable fitness routine goal because you can track whether or not you hit this target each week. If you are struggling to find time to fit in workouts, then break this down into smaller goals such as “I will work out for 15 minutes, three times per week.” This way, if something comes up and prevents you from completing your full workout schedule for the week, at least you hit part of your goal.
You can also categorize your goals into short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals (STGs) are important because they help you stay motivated. If you know that your short-term goals will lead to long-term success, it is easier to keep yourself on track with the little things in between.
Be consistent
This goes hand in hand with setting realistic goals. When you set a goal, it is important to have the dedication to stick to it. This means that there may be times where things get tough, and you don’t feel like continuing on your journey, but remember why you set the goal in the first place and push through! You can also make a plan to help you remain consistent. Having a fitness schedule will help you stay on track and keep you accountable for your actions. If you know what workout you’re supposed to do on Monday, there’s no excuse for not doing it! You can also have an accountability partner who will help motivate you when needed.
Have a strong source of motivation
Your motivation for staying fit and healthy should come from within. This means that you need to find what drives you to keep going when times are tough, and your inner voice is telling you to give up. Some examples of motivations can be wanting to look good for a vacation, being able to run around with your kids or grandchildren without getting tired, fitting into your old jeans again, building self-confidence, or improving your overall health. No matter what it is, make sure that it’s something that matters deeply to you and will push you through the hard times. Note it down and refer back to it whenever needed – this way, you’ll always have a reminder of why you’re doing all this work in the place!
Have a contingency plan
This is especially important when things don’t go as planned. Maybe you had a bad day where you didn’t stick to your meal plan, or maybe you missed your workout; it’s important to have a backup plan so that you don’t get discouraged and give up altogether! This could mean having an extra set of workouts saved on your phone or eating a healthy snack instead of turning to junk food.
Be positive and patient
Believing in yourself is key when working towards any goal. When times get tough, and you feel like giving up, remember all of the progress that you’ve made already! Stay positive and tell yourself that you can do this. Remember also to be patient with yourself. Fitness and lifestyle changes take time to achieve, so be positive and have patience while working towards them. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you won’t see results overnight either! It’s important to focus on the progress that you are making, even if it seems slow at times. No matter how small it may seem, celebrating each accomplishment is great for fitness and a positive attitude. It will help keep you motivated along the way.
Setting fitness and lifestyle goals is important for people who want to reach their full potential. It’s easy to get discouraged when things don’t go as planned, but if you stay positive and focus on the bigger picture, one day, your hard work will pay off!